Medical Needling
You‘ve got beauty questions? We‘ve got answers – and usually the matching treatments for them. Since modern aesthetic medicine can do much more than you think – or could dream of. And most of the time the solution of your beauty problem is much simpler (and cheaper) than you think…
The current question: What is medical needling? And what are its effects?
“Medical needling” sounds pretty scary – but wtongfully so. It operates completely without drugs, is only minimally invasive, painless and absolutely harmless. It improves the structure of the skin and rejuvenates the appearance. Wrinkles are reduced, pigment disorders are mellowed, the skin gets refined. It is perfect for anyone who is looking for an all-natural anti-aging-treatment.
Additionally it‘s super easy: the skin parts that will be treated get numbed with an anaesthetic cream. After that a roller with extra fine needles is lightly rolled over the skin. The needles sink into the skin up to one or two millimeters and punctuate the cuticle, but they don‘t destroy the integrity of the skin. And you don‘t even feel the slightest prick. As with any other injury, a chain reaction gets started in the body: growth hormones activate fibroblasts, which stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. New blood vessels are created. In order to boost the regeneration process, soothing face masks with vitamin A and vitamin C get applied to the skin. The face is only slightly red after the treatment, with some make-up or a light scarf you will be socially acceptable a few moments later. After one or two days the skin is alright again. And soon the effect is notable: the skin gets renewed, tightened and becomes rosy and fresh.
It is also possible to combine the needling treatment with hyaluron fillers or botox. And the perfect addition: biostimulation therapy with in endogenous PRP (platelet rich plasma). But you‘ll read more about this in our following newsletter…
Es wirkt ohne Medikamente, ist minimal invasiv, schmerzfrei und absolut harmlos.
Das Needling lässt sich übrigens auch kombinieren mit Hyaluron-Fillern oder Botox. Und die perfekte Ergänzung: Biostimulationstherapie mit körpereigenem PRP (PlateletRich Plasma = „plättchenreiches Plasma“).