The treatment of the lower eyelid
Do you also look deeply into your own eyes every morning in front of the mirror? Do you analyse, if some wrinkles have become worse, the shadows under your eyes have become darker or do you recognize a tiny bulge at your lower eyelid? Maybe your following thoughts sound like these: Didn‘t I sleep enough or did I have too much stress or maybe I should just give the glass of wine in the evening a miss … ? Or maybe it‘s just the age and not changeable?
Well, you can live as healthy as possible, still the age leaves its traces. Dark eye rings appear because the cuticle gets thinner and you can see the blood vessels. “owl‘s eyes” – the eyes look sunken – are formed, because the skin loses volume with increasing age. The elasticity decreases, too, so wrinkles develop. Or depending on the conjunctive tissue even eye bags.
Any of these symptoms let‘s us appear tired and old. So we should do what we can in order to inhibit them already in their roots.
Here you can prevent on your own…
Any of these symptoms let‘s us appear tired and old. So we should do what we can in order to inhibit them already in their roots. Care for the eye area on a daily level – in the morning and in the evening – with eye cream. Drink enough water. And if you recognise little bulges on the lower eyelid, put ice packs on them for a few minutes. The swelling decreases faster, the tissue gets less stressed and you prevent the emerge of eyebags. And for the dark shadows you can put on some concealer. This helps at least visually.
And what can the aesthetic medicine do?
Although we have diverse methods nowadays, the lower eye area is quite problematic to treat medically. Botox can help young people and people with a good conjunctive tissue to reduce the wrinkles on the lower eyelid. But it is not suitable for people with a weak conjunctive tissue, eyebags or many wrinkles. A treatment with hyaluron acid can even intensify and prolong the symptoms of people with swellings in the morning. Through the treatment with CO2-Laser – which usually can achieve great rejuvenation effects – swellings, flushes and little lesions can emerge depending on intensity of the treatment. And an operative lower eyelid blepharoplasty can achieve the desired effect directly, but there are still the usual risks of an operation.
The best treatments: Medical needling and biostimulation with RPR
Personally, I always made good experience with medical needling. The method is only invasive on a minimum level and absolutely harmless. It improves the structure of the skin and achieves enduring rejuvenation effects. After that a roller with extra fine needles is lightly rolled over the skin. The needles sink into the skin up to one or two millimeters and punctuate the cuticle, but they don‘t destroy the integrity of the skin. These minimal injuries stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluron acid. Usually the whole face is treated with medical needling. But because of new smaller rollers the area under the eyes can be treated alone, too. The effects of medical needling can be intensified in a combination with a biostimulation with PRP, an injection of PRP in the area of the eyebags – similar to a filling treatment – is also possible. For the treatment with PRP a lot of blood is taken from the patient and treated specially. The concentrated blood plasma gets put on after the needling or injected into the skin directly. It stimulates the production of collagen and the regeneration of the conjunctive tissue. Throughout some days to weeks, a fresh, well supplied with blood appearance can be seen as well as new lift, texture and the surface are improved recognisably. Because PRP is a endogenous product, allergic reactions can not be developed.