Infusion therapy
Today I would like to inform you, dear customers, about the possibilities of infusion therapy. Areas of application: colds, tiredness, burn-out and other illnesses, stress, muscle growth, healthy hair and skin.
I myself don‘t like to take medication regularly. Yet often times our diet is missing important vitamins and minerals, or we are simply eating the wrong things – due to stress.
The perfect treatment for me was an individually dosed infusion. The ingredients are processed better and in higher quantities. Treatments offer fast relief. An ideal infusion lasts 45 minutes. It can be done weekly, seasonally or for chronic illness after a prescription.
Areas of application: colds, tiredness, burn-out and other illnesses, stress, muscle growth, healthy hair and skin.
The principle of this therapy
Myers Cocktail:
It is used as therapy during fatigue, sleeplessness, before and after hard excercise, sickness and as a anti-depressant. The classic Myer-Cocktail contains: calcium, magnesium, vitamin B complex and vitamin C. This treatment can be done weekly or monthly. The infusion gets rid of deficiencies and regulates metabolism. B vitamins have a strong effect on our nerves and muscle activity.
Cellsymbiosis-therapy. Protokoll N:
Preventing and averting chronic diseases by precise addition of vital substances: sulfur containing amino acids, essential amino acids, immune system regulating amino acids, trace minerals, minerals, vitamins and phospholipids. The goal: optimization of energy to combat the challenges of our lives.
Anti-stress infusion:
This infusion contains cholinchlorid, a precursor of acetylcholids. This is used by the body to send signals through the nervous system. It calms the rest- and digestive nervs, the parasympathicus. Relaxation is possible again and the metabolism is activated. This achieves regeneration. In order to enhance the effects, magnesium and B vitamins can be added.
Sport and muscle therapy:
An interesting variant to build muscle and help the body regenerate. The infusion contains: proteins, amino acids such as glutamine, arginin, ornithin, methionin and the fatcarrier L-carnitin.
Skin and hair therapy:
Hairloss, brittle hair, impure skin and broken fingernails are all indicators for the necessety of this infusion. It contains: L-Cystein, dexpanthenol, pyridoxid, zink gluconate and biotin (vitamin H).